What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation? – Paw Roll
What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation?

What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation?

What To Do With Your Pets When You Go On Vacation?

Boarding your pet while you are on a vacation is a big decision. You want to have fun on your trip and not have to worry about Fido. You can choose to leave your dog in a boarding facility or find a dog sitter who will board your dog in their home or stay in your house with Fido. 

Ask Around for Pet Boarding Recommendations

If you want to find a reputable boarding option for your dog, then ask your canine-owning friends where they leave their pooch when they travel. You can also ask the groomer and your veterinarian for recommendations. In many cases, veterinarians board their clients’ dogs at their facilities. 

Checklist for Dog Boarding

Once you find a facility to board your dog then you'll want to make a checklist to make sure you are making the right decision.

  • Schedule a tour of the boarding facility well in advance to make sure you are comfortable with the place.
  • Make sure the boarding facility is certified with a professional organization.
  • Ask for references.
  • Read reviews of past customers.
  • Inquire about the needed immunizations. Typically, a boarding kennel will require Bordetella, distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and rabies. 
  • Are all pets boarding at the facility screened for fleas and ticks prior to boarding? 
  • Inspect how clean the facility is. Does it appear secure? There should be a securely fenced exercise area and sleeping area that is comfortable with non-slip surfaces. 
  • What cleaning chemical do they use? Are the chemicals safe or harmful for a pet? 
  • Watch how the caretaker interacts with your dog. 
  • Ask how much exercise your dog will receive on a daily basis.
  • Do they take the dogs out of the runs or leave them in the runs 24/7? 
  • What food do they feed? Do you need to bring your pet’s own food? Do they cater to a specialized diet? 
  • Is the facility heated and air conditioned? 
  • Will the dog have access to fresh water at all times?
  • What happens in the event of an emergency? 
  • Will the caretaker administer medication if your dog is only daily prescription medication for a health condition? 
  • Is there proper staffing to meet the needs of all the animals boarded at the facility.
  • Is someone on the premises 24/7?

In Home Pet Boarding

In-home pet boarding is often an ideal option to let your dog stay in the home, so the animal is not overly stressed out at a commercial facility. Some pet sitters will stay in your home and others will ask you to bring the dog to their home while you are gone. Remember to check all references when going this route.

Do not hesitate to perform a background check on the pet sitter. This is especially important if you are bringing the pet sitter into your home. You want someone reliable who you can trust to watch Fido and stay in your home.

Boarding your pet while you go on vacation is a wonderful option as long as you take the time to ask the correct questions and make sure that your beloved canine is in good hands while you are gone.