Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer – Paw Roll
Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer

Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer

Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer

Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer

As a devoted dog parent, improving my backyard for my fur babies is a top priority. I aim to turn our open space into a green, safe haven for them to play and relax. This involves choosing safe plants, making cool spots, and adding things just for them. Our garden will be a joy for everyone, pets included.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize pet-safe gardening to create a secure and enjoyable outdoor space for your dogs
  • Incorporate shaded areas and consider temperature ranges to prevent heat-related risks1
  • Choose non-toxic, dog-friendly plant varieties that offer visual appeal and potential health benefits2
  • Utilize paw-friendly surfaces and features to make the garden comfortable and engaging for your canine companions1
  • Consult with a veterinarian to ensure your garden design aligns with your dog's specific needs and safety

Importance of a Pet-Safe Outdoor Space

Making a garden safe for pets is key for their health and joy. Studies find that most U.S. homes have pets, showing how important this is3. We must ensure our gardens are safe for our dogs, with pet-friendly designs becoming popular3.

Emotional and Financial Benefits

Gardens offer peace and health for us and our pets. Being outside lowers stress and brings calm4. A garden that pets can enjoy supports their health and happiness, which means less money spent on vet bills3.

Pets' Natural Curiosity and Potential Hazards

Our pets may find the garden interesting but it can also be risky. There are hundreds of plants that can harm dogs3. In 2020, many calls to a poison hotline were about pets eating dangerous plants3. To keep our dogs safe, we need to pick plants carefully and fence the garden well.

Fences protect dogs from getting lost or hurt outside, which is a common problem3. Many garden chemicals are also harmful to pets3. Making a pet-friendly garden helps keep our pets safe and saves us worry and money.

Non-Toxic Plant Varieties for Dogs

Creating a garden that's safe for dogs doesn't have to be boring. We can still enjoy beautiful, colorful flowers that are also safe for our furry friends. Coreopsis, coral bells, phlox, and red hot pokers are all great choices for a vibrant, dog-safe garden5.

Colorful and Safe Perennials

There's a whole world of pet-friendly flowers out there. Adding snapdragons, dahlias, marigolds, and more to our gardens is a colorful, safe idea5. These plants can also draw in helpful insects, keep away mosquitoes, and some are even safe to eat5.

Edible Fruits for Occasional Treats

Some fruits are safe and tasty for our dogs. Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries make great, healthy treats for our pets5. But, we must remember, even safe plants and fruits should be treats, not meals, to avoid health risks5.

By choosing our plants wisely, our garden can be a beautiful and safe space for everyone. A bit of research and planning ensures our outdoor area is perfect for our dogs too6.

Pet-Safe Perennials Edible Fruits for Dogs
  • Coreopsis
  • Coral bells
  • Phlox
  • Red hot pokers
  • Snapdragons
  • Dahlias
  • Marigolds
  • Bee balm
  • Calendula
  • Celosia
  • Cornflower
  • Echinacea
  • Forget-me-nots
  • Fuchsias
  • Gerbera daisies
  • Impatiens
  • Lavender
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
"Even pet-safe flowers and fruits should be consumed in limited quantities, as large amounts could still pose risks."

Choosing the right plants is key when making our garden. With these choices, we can have a beautiful area that's safe for dogs. It's all about the right mix of pretty flowers and safe fruits6.

How to Create a Dog-Friendly Garden This Summer

Making a dog-friendly garden for summer is quite a project. We want our yard to look good and be safe for our pets. This means picking ground cover that's safe and smartly setting up spots for them to dig7.

Start by choosing plants that are okay for dogs. The Kennel Club has a big list of plants that are not good for our furry friends. This list includes chrysanthemum, aconite, buttercup, and some others. Instead, go for safe plants like basil, lavender, and thyme8.

For walkways and fences, pick strong materials that dogs won't hurt themselves on. Pavers and tough types of gravel are better than small gravel. Make sure fences are at least 6 feet high to keep medium-sized dogs in7.

To keep dogs away from harmful plants or chemicals, set up play areas away from these dangers. This makes our pets safer and helps keep the garden neat8.

Using these ideas can make a pet-safe garden where dogs can be happy and safe outside this year9.

"Creating a garden that's good for dogs is all about balance. We want a yard that's beautiful and safe for our pets."

Establishing Pet-Friendly Ground Cover

Creating a garden that's safe for our furry friends starts with choosing the right ground cover10. It's important to think about what will make our dogs feel comfy. We should avoid materials that might hurt their paws, like hot gravel or tarmac. Instead, we can use soft and permeable surfaces. These include resin-bound aggregate or decking. They are better choices for our pets. Also, we must stay away from small materials that could harm their feet.

Avoiding Harmful Surfaces and Materials

Dog owners often deal with backyard issues like holes and muddy paw prints inside10. These happen because dogs dig and run in the same spots. We should choose materials that are safe and comfy for them to play on, to stop these problems from occurring10.

Some plants can be harmful to dogs11. Most plants are safe to have around, but a few can be toxic. Plants like Aloe, Azalea, and Tulips are dangerous for our four-legged friends10.

We should pick ground covers that are good for pets12. Think about using things like Bermuda Grass or artificial grass. These are soft for pets to play on. For less work, we can also use options like wood chips. These materials are safe and easy to take care of12.

When choosing, think about how much the area will be used and the weather there12. This way, we can have a perfect garden for our pets. By making smart choices, we ensure our outdoor space is both fun and safe for our dogs101211.

Protecting New Plants with Temporary Barriers

Introducing new plants to our garden means keeping them safe from pets. We can use materials like chicken wire or fencing to protect young and fragile plants. By doing this, we protect our plants and keep our dogs happy13.

Putting up temporary fences around young plants is a great defense method. The time needed varies, from a few months for smaller dogs to up to three years for more active types13. Sometimes, a second fence is needed to stop 60-pound dogs from entering yards13.

Creating a special area for dogs next to the fence can also help. It gives them a space to play and keeps plants safe. This area can be made comfortable with cedar chips, providing a good spot for dogs to enjoy13. Using materials like these can make a dog run a lasting solution, which is healthy and comfortable for them13.

For spots where dogs tend to urinate, think about using synthetic turf. It’s good for large dog breeds and helps keep the garden looking nice13. Planters and raised beds are also helpful. They protect plants from being damaged, especially by smaller dogs or females13.

Using these strategies, we ensure our plants grow well while our pets enjoy the yard, too13. Taking these steps can lead to a garden that’s beautiful, safe for our furry friends, and enjoyable for everyone13.

Poisonous Plants to Avoid

There are lots of plant choices safe for pets, yet it's important to know the dangerous ones. Some perennials are risky for dogs, such as hosta, dicentra, clematis, iris, and acontium14. Always check if a new plant is safe for your garden. And keep them away from pets to keep them safe.

According to the ASPCA, the most dangerous plants for dogs include the Autumn Crocus, Azalea, and more15. Eating these can lead to many issues, from upset stomach to very serious problems. These include heart issues, seizures, and liver damage15.

  • Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale) is very toxic for dogs. Even a tiny bit of the plant can be deadly15.
  • Azalea (Rhododendron spp.) is also very dangerous. Only a small amount can cause severe symptoms or death15.
  • Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.) is less harmful. It may cause drooling, sickness, and trouble walking15.
  • Daffodil can make dogs sick but is not always deadly. It can irritate the mouth and cause sickness or slow heart rate15.
  • English Ivy (Hedera helix) may cause mouth pain and sickness. But it is usually not as bad as some other plants15.

Other plants like Lily of the Valley, Oleander, Sago Palm, and Tulips can also harm dogs. Symptoms vary from simple sickness to very serious conditions. These include heart problems, seizures, and liver issues15.

Fruits and vegetables from the nightshade family, like tomatoes and potatoes, are not good for dogs. They contain solanine which can hurt their stomachs and slow their hearts. The actual fruit of these plants is usually fine to eat16.

It's key to know which plants can hurt our pets. By keeping dangerous plants out of our gardens, we make a fun and safe place for pets. Regularly watching them and using special spots for digging can also help. Plus, placing big plants strategically can prevent pets from getting to dangerous ones14.

Being careful about what grows in our garden is vital. With the right knowledge and precautions, we can have a beautiful garden that's free from harm for our pets14.

"By staying informed about the common toxic perennials and plants in our gardens, we can create a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for our furry friends to explore and play."

Creating a garden safe for pets is very doable. With smart choices and a bit of work, our outdoor spaces can be both lovely and safe for our pets14.

Designing Safe Pathways and Fencing

When making a garden safe for dogs, you need secure pathways and fencing17. It's best to use solid materials for paths, like paving stones or cement. These stop dogs from trying to dig17. A strong fence keeps them inside, away from harmful plants or materials in other yards18.

You can use either clover or tough grass for paths. Clover costs about $4 for 4,000 square feet17. Grass types like Buffalo and Kentucky Bluegrass are more expensive, but they offer a soft, durable surface for dogs17. If grass isn't your first choice, consider synthetic turf. It's more costly to install but lasts longer17.

For a dog play area, smooth stones work well. A 20-square-foot space with stones is about $60017. Mulch is a cheaper option, costing between $35 and $110 per yard. You could save money if you install it yourself, saving up to $45 per yard17.

Choosing the right fence for dogs is important. It should be at least 3 feet tall. This keeps them from getting out. The fence must be strong to handle their energy and curiosity. Doing this means your garden is a safe place for dogs.

Keeping the garden safe means looking after it regularly. Check for ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas every week. Remove any dangerous plants or materials right away to keep dogs safe191718.

Providing Shaded Areas and Water Features

To ensure our dogs are happy and safe in summer, we need shaded spots and water. Placing plants like maples for shade helps our furry friends stay cool. Also, a water container lets them drink and chill out.

These features aren't just for staying cool; they're fun for our pets, too. Water play in ponds or fountains keeps dogs entertained and fulfilled20. It makes our garden a great place for them to enjoy without risking their health.

We can make our garden even better for dogs by adding agility gear and sandpits. This gear keeps them active and happy20. And sandpits give them a place to dig without harming our flowers.

Creating these cool, fun areas helps us bond with our pets, too21. These spaces offer a safe and enjoyable place for the whole family to spend time outdoors during summer21.

"Providing a comfortable, enriching, and safe outdoor environment for our dogs is a testament to the love and care we have for them. It's a win-win situation - they get to beat the heat and we get to witness their joy and happiness."

Training Dogs to Use Designated Digging Zones

As gardeners who love our pets, we know that dogs love to dig. So, we set up a spot in our garden just for them22. This special area has soft soil or sand and hidden toys or treats to keep them busy. It helps keep the rest of the garden safe from digging23.

Making the dig zone exciting is the key. We make a big sandbox, 4 by 6 feet, for around $2023. It uses fir boards that cost $8.50 each23. This spot is comfy and safe for our dogs to dig in23.

  • Designate a specific area in the garden as a digging zone, preferably in a cool, shaded spot.
  • Fill the digging zone with dog-friendly soil or sand, and bury toys or treats to encourage your pup's interest.
  • Provide a comfortable spot for your dog to relax and nap nearby, as this can help prevent unwanted digging in other areas23.

With these steps, our garden becomes a happy place for everyone22. Our poodle named Chocolat loves the digging zone. It's where he enjoys the sun in summer24.

Just be patient and always do the same thing. With practice and treats, our garden can be a perfect spot for both plants and pets22.


Adding plants25 safe for pets and setting up safe areas makes our outdoor space fun for dogs and people. If we plan carefully, our garden can be a safe and happy spot for everyone in our family26.

Using careful thought from choosing safe plants25to creating pet paths, we can turn our yard into a dog-friendly haven. This way, we make our garden not only enjoyable but also stress-free for all our family members, including the furry ones27.

This summer, we're excited to make a wonderful garden. It'll be great for relaxing and enjoying time with our pets. By adding the right plants and setting up playful spaces, it will be loved by all and admired by our neighbors26.


What are the emotional and financial benefits of having a pet-friendly garden?

A pet-friendly garden is not only great for our furry friends but for us too. It gives them a safe place to play, improving their mood and ours. However, dogs may chew on plants or things that are toxic. This can cause health problems and lots of expensive vet visits. So, it's important to keep our garden safe for them.

What are some pet-safe plant options for a dog-friendly garden?

There are lots of colorful plants that are safe for dogs. Perennials like coreopsis, coral bells, phlox, and red hot pokers are good choices. Adding fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries is also a great idea. Dogs can snack on them safely. It's all about choosing the right plants so our dogs can roam and play without worry.

What ground cover materials are best for a dog-friendly garden?

For the ground, go with soft and bouncy surfaces. Resin-bound aggregate or decking are better than rough materials like gravel. Rough materials can hurt your dog's paws. Also, steer clear of things that they can swallow or that might get stuck in their feet.

How can we protect new plants from our curious dogs?

When we're planting new flowers or plants, fencing them off is a smart move. Use chicken wire or other barriers to keep dogs away. This way, the plants can grow without being disturbed. It's good for our garden and our pets.

What common perennials should we avoid in a dog-friendly garden?

Some pretty plants can be dangerous for dogs if they eat them. Like hosta, dicentra, clematis, iris, and acontium. Before adding any new plants, check to make sure they're safe. And always keep toxic plants out of reach of your furry friends.

How can we provide a safe and comfortable outdoor space for our dogs?

To make our garden safe and cozy for dogs, include places with shade and water. Offset the heat with plants that offer shade, such as maples. And, it's essential to have deep water where they can drink and cool off. These features are key for their well-being.

How can we train our dogs to use designated digging zones in the garden?

To prevent our dogs from digging in the wrong places, set up a spot just for them with soil or sand and hiding toys or treats there. This should get them interested and keep them from messing up our other garden areas.

Source Links

  1. - 6 best ways to create a dog-friendly garden
  2. - No title found
  3. - Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Garden: | Smart Dog Dallas
  4. - Building a Dog-Friendly Garden - Greenlin Pet Resorts
  5. - Beautiful Pet-Safe Flowers for Your Garden and Home
  6. - Plants Safe For Dogs: How to Create A Pet Friendly Garden
  7. - 12 tips for a dog-friendly garden
  8. - How to design a Dog friendly garden - Garden Ninja: Lee Burkhill Garden Design
  9. - 11 Steps to a Pet-Friendly Garden
  10. - Dog-Friendly Ground Cover & Alternatives for Grass
  11. - Ask an Expert: How to Create a Dog-Friendly Backyard Landscape
  12. - Dog-Friendly Backyard: The Best Landscape Designs for Dogs
  13. - Protecting Plants from Dogs - Landscape Design In A Day
  14. - Creating a Dog Friendly Garden
  15. - 10 Garden Plants That Are Dangerous to Dogs [With Photos]
  16. - Best and Worst Flowers And Plants For A Pet-Friendly Garden
  17. - 7 Dog-Friendly Backyard Ideas You and Your Pup Will Love
  18. - This Is the Trick to Creating a Garden Your Dog Won’t Mess Up
  19. - Petscaping: Creating a Pet-Friendly Garden
  20. - Designing a Dog-Friendly Garden: Balancing Beauty and Safety
  21. - How to Create a Dog-Friendly Garden
  22. - Creating The Perfect Dog Play Area In Your Backyard
  23. - Solutions for a Dog Who Digs the Yard - Whole Dog Journal
  24. - Gardening with Your Dog
  25. - How to Create a Dog Friendly Garden: Plants, Safety, and Design Tips
  26. - Dog-Friendly Herbal Gardens: Cultivating Wellness for Your Canine Companion
  27. - Gardening With Dogs: 12 Vet-Approved Tips for Creating a Dog-Friendly Yard – Dogster