3 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Walk On A Harness Instead Of A Collar – Paw Roll
3 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Walk On A Harness Instead Of A Collar

3 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Walk On A Harness Instead Of A Collar

3 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Walk On A Harness Instead Of A Collar

The question of whether to use a collar or harness when walking your pup is an important one. It’s hard to resist the limitless colors and designs of personalized collars, but choosing what’s best for your dog should be about more than style. Collars are great for identification and holding your dog’s name tag and registration, but they’re not right for every situation. For many dogs, a harness is the best way forward when it comes to a daily walk. Here’s why.

1. Better Control

Not every dog is a perfect angel on the leash. They like to dive after surprised birds, lunge toward dogs they meet on the sidewalk, and make continual efforts to trap the neighbor’s cat. They’re having fun, but that rowdy behavior can also get them into trouble.

Harnesses give the person on the other end of the leash better control of an active dog. Instead of trying to steer by pulling the dog’s neck, harnesses direct the dog’s entire body. People with big, rambunctious dogs especially benefit from greater control when walking through busy areas when the dog is extra excited.

2. Discourages Pulling

You’re the one that should be walking your dog, not the other way around. A dog’s incessant pulling on the leash can make a short walk down the road feel like an intense upper body workout. If you let them get away with it, you teach them that pulling your arm out of its socket is an effective way of getting what they want. You’re struggling to keep up, but they’re making forward progress. Harnesses discourage pulling by redirecting their momentum. Dogs learn when they pull against the leash that the harness will haul them in the opposite direction of where they want to go. 

“When your dog is wearing a collar and pulls on the leash, he’s still moving forward, which makes him think the pulling is successful. A harness, whether attached on his chest or between his shoulder blades, redirects him; there’s no reward because pulling doesn’t get him anywhere.” - AKC writes.

3. Reduces Neck Strain

When your dog pulls while wearing a collar, injury to your arm isn’t your biggest concern. Pulling puts intense strain on the dog’s neck and can easily lead to a serious injury. Many times, these injuries aren’t obvious. It’s more of a gradual deterioration than a sudden pain. Excited dogs are too concerned with what they’re doing to realize they’re actually hurting themselves. The dog might start showing signs of subtle discomfort that are actually early symptoms of a serious problem.

Small dogs like Chihuahuas and Miniature Pinschers are especially prone to neck injuries. The bones in their necks are extremely delicate, and one sharp pull on the leash can cause them a lot of pain. Harnesses disperse the strain across a larger area of the dog’s body to protect them from injury.

Do you want a healthier & happier dog? Order the best harness now, every purchase will save a homeless dog!